Fundraising isn't a great source of income but if you want the quest XP do it for a little bit every once in a while to finish this off. The one exception is that there are two quests to Fundraise money from demons this requires buying the Fundraise app, and buying at least the Fundraise + app will make this a little easier to complete.
Shin megami tensei iv dlc recommended levels full#
Going Physical or Gun means you'll be a little more dependent on equipment, which can get pretty pricey Magic, conversely, is pretty taxing on the skill slots if you want full elemental coverage (whereas Physical and Gun can get away with one heavy-hitting skill of their type, maybe an all enemy skill, and then a healing spell).There are apparently diminishing returns after 200 in a damage stat, so if you're going 3/1/1 you could probably switch to 1/2/2 or just do whatever when you hit that milestone.I went 3 Mag / 1 Agi / 1 Luck every level and it worked very well, you can probably sub in Str or Dex instead of Mag if you want to go that route. Agi is for acting sooner in combat and dodging, and Luck is for smirk rate, crits, demon recruitment, etc.

Physical skills now go wholly off of Str, Gun skills go off of Dex, magic goes off of Mag. If you played the first one and dealt with the moderately-jacked calculation for physical skills, they fixed that in this version.